The Pain Care Center

702 N Alexander St
Plant City, FL 33563-3064


Business Highlights

We provide Medical and Interventional TreatmentBack Pain all regions, Headaches and Migraines, Diabetic and all other Neuropathies and Neuralgias, Radicular o Sciatic Pain, Shingles and PostHerpetic Neuralgia, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), Causalgia or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS type I and II). Arthritis (Joint pain), Temporo Mandibular Joint (TMJ) pain, Fibromyalgia, muscle spasm and pain, Chest pain, Abdominal and Pelvic pain. Postoperative pain. Auto Accidents, Cancer pain, etc...

Languages Spoken

Spanish, English

Payment Types

American Express, Mastercard, Visa, Discover

Patients Seen

Accepting New Patients, All Ages

Conditions Treated

Acute / Chronic Pain

Special Services Offered

Same Day Appointments, Personalized Treatment, Flexible Appointment Schedules, Procedures are performed on our onsite facility with the latest and most current equipments available. We use a state of the art Fluoroscopic X-Ray machine and the Radiofrequency (RF) equipment is the latest in the market. Medications and specialized needles are disposable and scrupulous sterilization techniques are maintained.

Services Offered

Our office provides the most current Interventions available for pain control. Procedures perfomed include Pulsed and continuous Radiofrequency for treatment of Back, Shoulder pain and sympatheticaly mediated pain (RSD, CRPS), etc. Spinal Cord Stimulator trials and implants for the treatment of neuropathic and radiculopathic (Sciatic pain), Failed Back Surgery and sympatheticaly mediated pain. Transforaminal and Regular Epidural Steroid Injections for radiculopathic (Sciatic) pain. Nerve Blocks, Joint Blocks, Sympathetic Blocks, SacroIliac Joint Block, Trigger Points and Botox for treatment of Headache/Migraine, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and piriformis syndrome. We also evaluate and control patients for Morphine pump refills.

Licenses, Certifications, Accreditations

Most pain Medications, especially opiods produce a phenomenon known as tolerance. This means that a patient becomes resistant to the action of the medication when given in high dosages. We provide our patiens with optimal pain management while using the minimum amount of medications. Our office educates patients concerning the dosage of medications given and we strive to have our patients reach a managable pain level to resume daily functions and have an enjoyable quality of life.


Industrial Rehabilitation, Pain Management

Patients Seen

Accepting New Patients, All Ages

Special Services Offered

Free Parking

Services Offered

Work Related Injuries, Pain Management Procedures perfomed include Pulsed and continuous Radiofrequency for treatment of Back, Shoulder pain and sympatheticaly mediated pain (RSD, CRPS), etc. Spinal Cord Stimulator trials and implants for the treatment of neuropathic and radiculopathic (Sciatic pain), Failed Back Surgery and sympatheticaly mediated pain. Transforaminal and Regular Epidural Steroid Injections for radiculopathic (Sciatic) pain. Nerve Blocks, Joint Blocks, Sympathetic Blocks, SacroIliac Joint Block, Trigger Points and Botox for treatment of Headache/Migraine, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and piriformis syndrome. We also evaluate and control patients for Morphine pump refills.

Licenses, Certifications, Accreditations

American Medical Association


Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology

Business Hours

Please call for business hours

Payment Types:

American Express