Can You Name Every German Car Brand?

German automobiles are among the most cutting-edge and dependable in the world, producing more than six million vehicles annually. They have a history of creating high-end vehicles where performance precedes appearance since german car mechanics prioritize functionality and quality by adhering to the principle of "function over form." Mercedes has dominated the market with a cutting-edge fusion of technology and style.

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Over time, the corporation accumulated a long list of models, including high-end cars, trucks, buses, limousines, and vans. Bayerische Motoren Werke, or Bavarian Motor Works, commonly referred to as BMW, owes its success to its emphasis on making quality engines. Audi combined Horch, DKW, and Wanderer in 1932 to become Auto Union UG. It explains why the Audi logo has four interconnected circles. The business has been a member of Volkswagen Group since 1966. Volkswagen creates reasonably priced German vehicles which are incredibly durable and trustworthy. Porsche is the largest manufacturer of race cars worldwide and is the most successful brand in motorsport, with about 30,000 victories. Maybach is also a German company that makes luxury vehicles. Two different-sized letters "M" that overlap each other make up the Maybach logo representing the business's name, Maybach Manufactory.