The DIY Guide to Coloring Concrete

This video shows the DIY guide to coloring concrete. Coloring concrete is an excellent way to add beauty and character to various elements of your home, including floors, staircases, driveways, and window slabs. Such coloring will also enhance your concrete's mechanical strength by reinforcing it with an iron oxide coating. You do not need to hire an expert to color your concrete because the pigmentation process is simple. How do I color my concrete? You can color your concrete with different pigments depending on your aesthetic needs.

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Red, terracotta, fluff, and black concrete pigments are readily available in painting stores. It would be wise to use each can of stain on a standard 80-pound bag of concrete for the best results. The first step in coloring concrete is adding the dye to a bucket of water. Experts recommend using a paint mixing bit to stir up the water as you add the pigment. Add the resulting solution into your concrete mix before thoroughly stirring to ensure proper color distribution. You can then apply your concrete to your surfaces. Expect the dark shade of your wet mixture to lighten up once your concrete dries up.