Your home's air conditioner serves a vital purpose. You don't need to be reminded what an important role your air conditioner plays in your home's comfort and functionality. Because of this, it's critical that you get your AC assessed and serviced as soon as you notice something wrong with it. If you think there's even a chance that something's malfunctioning with your air conditioning system, you should call a professional right away.
You may be tempted to monkey with your air conditioner and survey the issue yourself.
Even if you consider yourself handy or savvy when it comes to your home appliances, you should not attempt DIY AC repairs. You should leave these up to professionals. Only a certified and licensed air conditioning company should perform work of any kind of your system.
If you attempt DIY AC repairs, you run the risk of creating bigger and more severe problems. Similarly, you could risk voiding your unit's warranty. Most air conditioning systems dictate that only certified professionals can perform work on the unit. This is for your benefit and your safety! So make the smart move and call a professional to get your AC unit back up and running.