What Timeline to Expect for Your Furnace Install

A furnace install job is complicated. Why? Because furnace designs vary. Homeowners can install furnaces independently, but this job is best left to furnace installation professionals because these machines require specific skills and tools to be installed.

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This review will look at the furnace installation process from start to finish. According to the narrator in the video, the furnace installation process starts on the day the furnace installation company arrives at a home for estimates because this is when they determine the size of the furnace for the specific home. Typically, a furnace installation job takes between four and eight hours. However, some installations take longer; gas-powered furnaces, for instance, have additional installation steps compared to electric furnaces. To install a furnace, the professional preps the area with a cloth and proceeds to remove the existing furnace if they're doing a replacement. The next step is comprised of setting up the new furnace and making an opening on one of the sides of the furnace to allow for air filter placement. The third step involves making any necessary ductwork modifications. In the fourth step, the installer will connect the wiring to establish communication between the internal and external furnace units. Finally, the installer will switch on the furnace for the first time.