An Installation Guide for Your Home's Backup Generator
Recurring power outages can be caused by natural disasters, including hurricanes, floods, and severe snowfall. Buying and installing a backup generator at home can be the answer to a continuous power supply as it will guarantee that your family always has access to power. However, before proceeding with the process of a local generator install, you must carefully read its manual since it contains instructions on how to utilize the device optimally.
The first step during installation is to create a stable surface, such as a concrete slab, to ensure it is raised and securely fastened at a place with good ventilation.
Once this is complete, proceed to attach your generator to the transfer switch. The transfer switch connects your generator to your home's electrical system and fuel supply. Ensure that the wires connecting the generator to the socket and the outdoor outlet to the generator circuit breaker are the proper sizes.
Disconnect any circuit breakers that could cause the generator to become overloaded or trip its circuit breaker. All house circuits with on-position breakers will have power so long as the generator is running and its breaker is turned on. The generator is halted, its breaker is turned off, and the main breaker is back on when the grid power is restored.