Follow A Vinyl Chip Epoxy Flooring Installation from Start to Finish
If you want a garage floor that's durable while still having an attractive look, you should consider a vinyl chip epoxy blend. This unique mixture offers a number of unique features that will enhance this space in your home. The experts from your local epoxy flooring installation company will follow this procedure to create the garage floor of your dreams.
First, they'll need to grind down the concrete of the floor.
Next, they take care of any cracks in the floor by filling them with caulk and shaving off any excess. A solid-colored epoxy primer, such as white, is always a good idea to help display more vibrant colors later. Then it's time to apply the primer to the floor. A squeegee tool can get the job done. Then, vinyl chips are spread across the floor until the entire surface is covered. These pieces are about one-quarter inch in size.
On the second day, all of the extra chips are vacuumed up. Sometimes they can be recycled for another project. Any excess is discarded. Finally, the finished product is sealed with a clear material. This will protect your floor and make sure it is resistant to weather and wear and tear.