How Much You'll Pay for a Sprinkler System Installation Service

One of the most common questions frequently posed to sprinkler installation professionals is how much homeowners can expect to pay. This is asked by people who have recently purchased a home and are shopping for the first time, in addition to those who have made repairs for so long that a complete replacement can no longer be delayed. A sprinkler system installation service can be the solution for both situations. In most cases, whether the team involved is from landscaping or irrigation, the pricing will likely be by zone.

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The first zone that is installed will need more infrastructure for it to operate, which will make it more expensive. Every zone that follows will then be more affordable. A single zone usually consists of 12 to 15 sprinkler heads. Most shoppers can expect to pay somewhere in the range of $1,800 to $2,000 for the first zone. The second zone would have an estimated cost of $1,200 to $1,400. This will be true whether you're getting an installation for the first time or if you're replacing a broken or out-of-date system. Please note these figures only apply to pop-up spray style systems, and should not be used for other styles of irrigation. .