Why You Should Join the Ranks of Electrical Contractors

Demand for licensed electrical contractors has never been higher. According to this video, a search on Glassdoor revealed over 15,000 job postings and over 20,000 on Indeed for this field in the United States in 2021. This demand will only continue to grow.

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The housing market shows that housing starts within the United States are at their highest level since 2006, and all of these projects will need electrical contractors to get the job done. With these statistics in mind, it is clear that acquiring the skill set you need for this profession will enable you plenty of job security for years to come. First, what is the difference between an electrical contractor and an electrician? An electrical contractor is a person or business responsible for all electrical systems related to construction work. An electrician is an individual tradesperson. An electrical contractor is an entity that manages a team of electricians. In order to have the relevant technical knowledge to handle this task, many electrical contractors are former electricians who have made a career transition. This process varies from state to state and should be thoroughly researched to ensure you comply with local regulations. .