What It's Like on the Job for Local Well Drillers

This video takes you behind the scenes of what local well drillers do. If you are interested in this field of work, you should watch this video to learn more about the field so you can determine if it's the right fit for your career goals. The video interviews one of the local well drillers to learn more about the industry and the type of work they do.

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This video takes you through the average workday in the life of a well-driller, including the duties that this driller may be required to do as part of his daily routine. To join this industry, you will need to be physically fit because you will have to do some heavy lifting. You will work with specialized equipment and machinery, so having experience with operating this type of tool is useful. To work in Alberta, CA as a well driller you will need to either be certified as an apprentice or a journeyman, or work for a company that is satisfied with your work. The well driller in this video explains how you can become a certified apprentice, and shares some of the obstacles that a well driller often has to overcome. If you are interested in this trade, you should watch the video.