Trees grow gradually over the span of many decades. Healthy and strong forests are valuable for their own sake and for numerous practical reasons. A tree planter who is helping to add to these forests is doing important work.
The rural planting process is complex.
People need hundreds of different healthy seedlings across several acres of land. They'll absolutely need to bring a solid planting shovel. A simple low-tech plug planter is also important. Some stronger hand tools can also make it possible for people to successfully add new trees to relatively rough soil. Different supplies are used to get certain types of trees into place, which is partly due to variations in the natural ground. Seedling types themselves also vary, which affects the tools that people must use. There are seedlings that already have at least some soil on their established root systems, and seedlings that have no natural soil at all in that location. It's actually still possible to plant both kinds of seedlings using the same method. However, people need different soil depths when working with different seedling varieties. Making sure each seedling is healthy before planting it is essential. A tree planter will gradually gain more experience with these procedures.