Don't Make These Overseeding Mistakes

Overseeding your lawn can make your yard look amazing, but there are a few things you should avoid to prevent any issues. The Youtube video "Don't Make These 7 Stupid Mistakes When Overseeding Your Lawn" explains what some people might get wrong and how a lawn aeration service can help you. Let's find out more! One of the main mistakes people make while overseeding is not cutting their current grass short enough.

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It's important to cut it down as much as possible because depending on the grass seed you're using, such as fescue or rye grass seed, it can take from two to three days to germinate. The idea of cutting off as much as possible is to shock the existing lawn and slow down its growth. So, before overseeing, you should cut the grass to about half its current length or a bit lower if possible. It might end up looking stressed or yellow afterward, but once that overseeding takes root, you won't have to worry about it. Afterward, you want to know a little about roughing up the soil. What you want to do is detach your lawn and then core aerate all of it as well. That's where you might need a service if you don't have your own equipment. You can check the rest of the video for more details about lawn aeration service.