Applying an Auto Tint

Many car owners get their windows tinted, but they might not know what the process entails. The Youtube video "How Car Windows Are Tinted" has a detailed explanation of what happens during auto tint so you can decide if it's something your vehicle should have. Let's find out more!

People get an auto tint for their cars due to many reasons. They might want protection from the sun, style, and safety.

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Many owners feel better when outsiders can't see into their vehicles. Installing an auto tint is not that hard, and many people can do it at home. However, most folks prefer to pay for a service, so they don't have to worry about making a mistake. Luckily, you can still see the process thanks to this video.

The first step is to roughly cut the tinted panel to the size of the windows. For this, they used soapy water so that auto tint can stick to the window, and they can get an approximate measurement. Afterward, they positioned the film correctly to begin the installation. There should be some extra auto tint panel left at the bottom, which will be tucked inside later.

You can watch the rest of the video for more details about installing auto tint.
