Sheet metal fabrication is a tricky job and finding the right sheet metal fabrication company can be even harder. Luckily, there are a few tell-tale signs to look out for when finding the right company to suit your needs.
Blowtorches are hot enough to melt metal, so seeing a piece of sheet metal with a hole in it isn't an uncommon sight. However, this disrupts the integrity of the metal and ruins the custom fabrication.
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When looking for a company to hire, keep an eye out for accidental holes in any of their finished products. This will be a sign that the company is not for you.
Another common error to look out for is the high-low gaping between two welded sheets. If there is a gap in the welded section where one piece warped upward and the other warped down, this is a high-low gap. If the welding looks like this in your hired company's fabrication, then it's time to find another company to hire.
There are many easy mistakes to make in sheet metal fabrication. But with a little searching, you will find the right company that will not make these easy mistakes. With luck, they will complete your custom metal fabrication properly and in a timely manner.