Before beginning any commercial paving, it is imperative that all the equipment is checked to ensure the successful laying of asphalt. This includes tasks such as checking the screen is properly set, the machine is the right distance from where the asphalt will be set and setting the slope extensions.
Before pulling off from the starting point, double-check to make sure the area has been swept or cleaned of any debris. The vehicle should be at least one to two-thirds full at all times to guarantee the machine will be able to cover the length or road desired.
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This helps to keep a constant source of material at the head of the screen.
Create a rolling pattern with the surface in order to keep the asphalt level. This helps to determine the number of times the roller will need to go over each area. Failure to do so may lead to an uneven surface at the end of the job.
It may not be possible for the machine to reach every inch or corner of the project, so it is important to understand where the machine will be able to move, and where workers may need to use tools to even out the asphalt themselves.
For additional information about commercial paving, please review the attached video.