The work that comes with a new roof is not to be underestimated. Installing a vital component like shingles does not need to be a complicated task. We're going to take a look at the specific details required to install shingles on your new roof in a simplified, helpful manner.
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We begin by installing a drip edge onto the shed. It should be remembered to form the corner of the drip edge, which allows for support under the shingles. Installing felt in your next step will require the felt to go over the top of the drip edge. This allows water to flow over the top.
Don't skip placing the starter strip along the perimeter of the entire roof. The shingles should then be installed along the perimeter -- they will overlap the starter strip. Multiple layers of shingles will overlap during installation, starting with the first one that is made along the bottom of the eave and against the rake.
In the final steps of installation, remember that your shingles should be shot six times up the roof in a diagonal pattern. Don't forget that this should be on the windward side of the roof.
These basic shingle installation details are not to be neglected. In your step-by-step process, keep these tips in mind when conducting work on your new roof.