What Pelvic Floor Physicians Can Do For You

Many patients tend to ask, what are pelvic floor disorders? According to pelvic floor physicians, the pelvic floor is now made up of a network of ligaments, muscles, and nerves that work together to support structures such as the bladder, vagina, and rectum. If these structures are not working in harmony with the rest, many symptoms can occur, and these are pelvic floor disorders. They include stress urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, overactive bladder, and anal fissures.

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The most common symptom of these conditions is leaking urine or stool. This may be due to an injury to the muscle or nerve that controls the bladder or bowel function. In women, there are two main types of pelvic floor disorders. One is called stress urinary incontinence. It occurs when the urethra does not close properly during increased bladder pressure. This can happen because of childbirth, menopause, obesity, or other factors. The second type of pelvic floor disorder is called fecal incontinence. It happens when the anus does not close properly during defecation. An overactive bladder is another condition that affects many people. It's characterized by frequent urination at night or waking up feeling you have to go. This may be caused by weak sphincters or nerves that control the bladder.