Don't Ever Go Without Regular Air Conditioning Maintenance

Do you have air conditioning in your home? Are you concerned that it may break down at the wrong time? The video offers good advice on this topic from the owner of an air conditioning company. That said, his overall guidance can be summarized as follows: keep your AC filters clean and your outdoor condensers clear. Watch to learn more!

The professional in the video recommends changing your AC filters every two months over the summertime. This is when you run your AC more frequently, which brings in more dirt and dust for the filters to catch.

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You should certainly stick to this schedule if you have allergies. You also want to make sure your outdoor unit is clear of debris. Don't stack up unused or unwanted items on your AC. You should also cut and trim your hedges regularly so that they don't block the system.

To keep your AC running well and reliably, you should have a professional come out to do basic service on it. They'll wash the condensers in the outdoor units. They will also do a thorough check of your overall system and identify any issues that may come up in the near future. Now you know why it is important to have regular maintenance done on your AC.
