Thinking about doing auto body repairs on a vehicle? The video offers great insight into how to do this by blocking and shaping the repair using an auto filler. Here are some of the things to know to get a proper start. First, it's essential to sand the metal with sandpaper to smooth it and then clean this area with isopropyl alcohol.
Next comes preparing the filler. The presenter of the video recommends a particular brand but should shop around for the one that best suits the budget and purpose. The most important thing about filler is the ease with which it sands.
Put the filler on the palate, but don't mix it with the hardener until just before application. There's a short window to apply the filler before it starts to harden. Before laying the filler, tape up the panel around the target space to protect the vehicle from spilling over. When mixing the filler, go around its edges and fold the hardener into it. Once the filler is mixed, put a controllable amount on the end of the spreader and press it into the panel. Press the first coat to get good adhesion between the filler and metal. Be sure to press it over the entire area, but ease back pressure as it spreads.