How Do Central Air Conditioners Work?

Central air conditioners provide comfortable temperatures and air circulation throughout your home. Each central air conditioner has a condensing system that consists of internal elements such as an oil-filled condenser, a compressor unit, and its accompanying fan motor. Find a reputable ac repair company for regular check-ups and necessary replacements to ensure these components run optimally.

A central air conditioner system consists of an evaporator or cooling coils mounted on a furnace or an air handler. A circulation blower fan draws air into the return vent, passing through the evaporator coils and the home's venting system.

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This cycle continues until the temperature in the room has cooled to a level desired by the wall thermostat, at which point it will turn off both the circulation blower and condensing unit.

When the room temperature increases, the wall thermostat closes the cooling circuit to initiate a series of steps. Voltage is directed to the circulation blower fan motor and condensing unit contractor, with 120 and 24 volts delivered, respectively. Upon energization of the condensing contractor, it allows 240 volts to flow through a disconnect box, sending power to the compressor and condenser fan motor. Watch the video above to learn more about the rest of this process before you reach out to experts for ac repair services.