When looking to get started in the auto repair business, particularly with your own shop, there are many different things that you need to know. In the video, we learn how an entrepreneur grew their own business from the ground up, now making around $30,000 per month in revenue. In this example, the business owner already had some experience in the industry from working for other auto repair shops and continued working at his full-time job while taking the time to grow his own business on the side.
In following this path, you are able to ensure that you are not going into a financial situation that you are not prepared for. It's important to note that you do not need to sign a lease or purchase a space and buy all possible equipment at once. It is possible to grow organically and begin building a customer base while working to purchase equipment as needed. Additionally, focusing on seasonal auto repair services can help you kickstart your business and your customer base. Combining this with a quality Facebook page and Facebook ads results in a powerful boost to local/word-of-mouth expansion without breaking the bank.