Physical Therapy: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

Physical therapy works with the body to manage or alleviate its pain and return it to functional movement. We need this type of pain management because the alternative is chemical medications with their controversial side effects. Dr. Chris Brandt of EW Motion Therapy explains more in the video.

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Improving life through physical movement is the goal of this type of therapy. It uses exercise, massage, and physical stimuli like TENS therapy. Physical therapy aids those who can't rise from a bed or a chair without pain, whose knees malfunction, those who can't stand at the stove to cook, who can't climb stairs, and many more.

About This Return To Functional Movement

Dr. Brandt tells us that physical therapists examine your medical history as well as learn where it hurts. He develops a plan for your return to optimal physical movement. You'll see the doctor several days per week which urges the body into health (rather than taking a pill and lying down.) Lifestyle changes are discussed.

Changing how you stand at the stove, sit on a chair, sleep, and how you exercise, can work wonders for your body. Physical therapy aids with these things to return your body to maximum good health.
