How Criminal Defense Attorneys Get Cases Dismissed
An experienced felony defense attorney can get certain criminal cases dismissed. But how? Today, the Law Offices of Lance Fryrear is here to help you understand common ways cases are dismissed, what steps lawyers take to make this happen, and how you can help your attorney in this situation.
First thing to know is that though it's hard to get a criminal case dismissed, it's not impossible. The best chance you have at this is before you go to trial.
Your felony defense attorney will look at the evidence presented and possible defenses available through things like interviews.
Your lawyer will also attempt to get the prosecutor to listen to your side of the story. You may also be asked to do something such as taking a class to have something to show the prosecutor. This combined with your lawyer using weaknesses in the evidence can result in your case being dismissed.
Other ways to have a case dismissed include filing motions, negotiating for different resolutions, and during a trial. For more information on these methods as well as other legal matters, the attorney shown here has other videos that take a deep dive into a variety of topics.