What Happens to Shingles After a Roofing Company Finishes?

Once a roofing company completes a project, the fate of the shingles takes center stage. These weather-resistant soldiers have undergone a transformational journey, but what happens to them after the final nail is hammered?

Inspection and Quality Check: Upon completion, a roofing company conducts a thorough inspection to ensure the shingles are securely fastened and aligned. This quality check guarantees that the shingles can endure the elements.

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Waste Management: Inevitably, some leftover materials result from a roofing project. These unused shingles find themselves in the waste management process. Roofing contractors typically work with disposal services, prioritizing eco-friendly methods, such as recycling asphalt shingles for road construction.

Extended Lifespan: With a fresh set of shingles in place, the roof gains extended longevity. Modern shingles are designed to resist harsh weather conditions, safeguarding the structure.

Environmental Impact: The destiny of old shingles is a crucial consideration. Re-roofing projects generate shingle waste, prompting environmentally-conscious roofing contractors to engage in recycling initiatives. Recycled shingles can be transformed into new products, reducing the burden on landfills and conserving valuable resources.

Adaptation to Climate: Shingles also play a pivotal role in temperature regulation within the building. Reflective shingles minimize heat absorption in warmer climates, maintaining cooler indoor temperatures.

Newly installed shingles contribute to the overall aesthetics of a property. This enhancement boosts curb appeal and elevates the resale value of the building.
