Watch this video to understand the drain cleaning process. You can find numerous suggested solutions for cleaning a clogged sewer line.
Professional drain cleaning focuses on unclogging blocked sewer systems and doing a follow-up evaluation to find out if the cause of the clog has been fully addressed.
One of the tell-tale signs of a drain blockage is the buildup of water in your house. Engaging expert plumbers is the best way to remove stagnant water in your kitchen sink, bathtub, or toilet.
If you choose to remove the blockage yourself, do it gently. Open your drain cleanout plug and slowly release the pressure that has built up as a result of the stagnant water.
Unclogging your drain from the outside, where possible, is advisable to avoid any sewerage spillage inside your house. You can use tools in DIY drain cleaning, including sewer machines, sink-top machines, hydro jets, blow bags, and root-eating chemicals.
Once your drain is clean, do a camera-down evaluation to determine if there are any other sewerage problems that you need to fix.