6 Reasons Your Lawn Mower May Need Repair

In this video, you'll learn the six reasons why your lawn mower might not be starting. The first reason is a dirty or damaged spark plug -if it's not working properly, the engine won't start. You can inspect it for damage or wear. An ignition tester helps determine if the plug is defective. If it's bad, replace it with a new one.

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The second reason is old or bad fuel. Old fuel can clog the carburetor and fuel filter, preventing the engine from getting the fuel it needs to start. Always use fresh fuel when filling your lawn mower's tank. Also, use a fuel stabilizer to help maintain the quality of the fuel. If you think the fuel might be the problem, try cleaning the carburetor or replacing the filter.

The third reason is a bad ignition coil. A coil sends voltage to the spark plug. If it's not working properly, the spark plug won't fire. Another potential cause is a broken flywheel key. This small piece of metal connects the crankshaft to the flywheel. If it breaks, the engine will suddenly stop.

A problem with the electrical system also necessitates lawn mower repair. You'll find several electrical components in a lawn mower that can cause problems. These parts include a battery, starter solenoid, and wiring. If you think there's a problem with the electrical system, take your lawn mower to a qualified technician. Watch the rest of the video to learn three more reasons you may need lawn mower repair.
