Cleaning windows can be surprisingly hard. It’s pretty common for residue and streaks to be left over after washing. This is especially true if you don’t understand how to clean windows like a pro. With a bit of practice and the right techniques, you may be able to master window cleaning. That said, it’s often easier to hire window cleaning companies as their staff can get the job done quickly and will already have the necessary skills.
One thing you’ll notice about professional window cleaners is that they will often use a squeegee. These tools are great for cleaning and also reducing streaks and other issues.
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Anyone looking to clean windows needs to make sure they have a squeegee. You’ll need to maintain this squeegee and may need to change the rubber or other parts on a regular basis. When selecting rubber, consider weather and other factors as this can have an impact on performance.
The rubber should be able to lay flat on the glass. No components that can cause scratches, like say metal clips, should be touching or even near the glass. Ideally, only rubber will touch the surface as anything else can lead to damage. As for soap, you can use Dawn dish soap. You don’t need to use a lot of soap and if you go overboard, the risk of issues like streaks will increase greatly.