Questions You Should Ask a Carpet Cleaning Company Before Hiring Them
Since you’re technically hiring someone for a role, you should approach the task of finding a carpet cleaning company with serious intentions and good questions. This is especially true if you need to hire cleaners because you’re preparing a rental property to lease after previous tenants had allergy-inducing items in the home or if you’re moving into a new house where there were once allergens. According to the video “Questions to Ask a Carpet Cleaning Company,” you should ask about allergies if you’re hiring cleaners due to issues with allergens in your household.
You can ask questions about the cleaners’ experience in dealing with allergens and the products they use before you hire them for the job.
Questions you should ask every carpet cleaner before offering them the job vary. Asking about the price of the service is a good idea. It's also wise to inquire about whether pay for the task is hourly or per project. Hiring a cleaning company can be as complex or simple as you’d like. For some homeowners and commercial property owners, it’s as easy as conducting a brief search and hiring the first cleaner that pops up in the results. For others, it can be more involved and entail an interview process that ensures you’ll hire the right candidate for the job.