Here's a Step by Step Look at Asphalt Paving Services
The video explains a few key things to ensure your asphalt paving project succeeds. Start by heating an adequate amount of screed before pushing it into place. Having a plan in place with which to work at a central tow point is vital in asphalt services.
Beginners should also ensure they select their width and central screed crown before starting the pour.
With this, you can avoid costly mistakes later on in the process. Asphalt paving is not just a matter of dumping and filling. Timing, preparation, and planning are the most crucial parts of asphalt services. As with all paving work, asphalt screeds can be broken into three stages. These stages are heating, application, and curing.
During the heating stage, heat from the equipment is transferred to the screed through steam boilers or heated conveying belts. The screed will be set to a rolling temperature, and the moisture content will be reduced. The main screed's crown plays a vital role in paving and maintenance. It acts as the barrier that stops water from penetrating. The crown also provides a surface for asphalt to bond onto so that cracks do not occur over time.