Setting Expectations With Your Local Kitchen Remodelers

Your kitchen is a space for productivity, entertaining guests, and enjoying life in general. While it's a great spot to hang out, your current setup may not allow for the most optimal experience while using the space. If you feel you need a change in your kitchen, it may be time to reach out to local kitchen remodelers. It's important to set expectations at the start of any job, but especially with kitchens, as so many different options come into play.

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Generally, kitchens are broken up into three groups: small, medium, and large. Small kitchens are between 100-200 square feet, medium kitchens measure 200-300 square feet, and large kitchens go above 400 square feet. The expert in the video reviews tips to remodel a kitchen on a budget. First, he recommends finding a list of licensed and insured local kitchen remodelers and reaching out for estimates. These remodelers can help you envision and plan your dream kitchen while offering options to help you stay within your budget. The expert explains that small kitchen renovations can run a bill of $30,000 to $50,000, depending on the size of the kitchen, the extra construction needed, and the quality of materials and appliances used. This cost in larger homes can reach and exceed $200,000, so it's best to be mindful of a budget when planning so it doesn't run away from you.