A foul odor from your drain or pooling water in your yard is a strong indicator of a clogged septic tank. A septic tank needs to be regularly drained and cleaned to prevent clogging. If it is not drained, the solid wastes begin to clog the drain field pipes making the dirty water pool in a particular area. Let's look at how septic tank maintenance services unclog severely blocked systems.
The first step is to lift the tank access lid to check whether the inlet pipe is clogged. The septic tank maintenance technician looks at the end of the green or white tube on the side of the tank closest to the house to check whether it is blocked.
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If the water level is below the inlet pipe, then the clog is probably in the drainpipe between your home and the septic tank.
Once the septic maintenance service technician locates the site of the blockage, they use a forked hoe or a pole to get the solid waste out and onto the side of the inlet. They will continue to remove the debris until water starts flowing out of the pipe, pushing the remaining clog out. Watch the video linked above for a visual illustration of the process.