A Beginner's Guide to How Water Purification Works

Ever wonder what's inside of your faucet and pitcher water filters? To know what's inside, you'd have to cut apart the used-up PUR pitcher water for water purification. Luckily, someone's already done that! In this video, we find out what's inside.

Most of the filters come into three stages to filter them:

1. Crude Sediment Filter

This is the first stage of water filtration, designed to keep the large particles out of the filter.

2. Active Carbon Filtering

This is the second stage — an active carbon filtering stage to wedge between 2 physical stages. This water purification stage also comes with little styrofoam balls.

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The balls do not seem to have water filtering purposes, but they slowly make their way down from the 2nd to 3rd stage along with filtered water.

3. Pleated Accordion Style

This is the 3rd stage that should take out finer size particles. It is similar to the air filters in furnaces, automobiles, and old vacuum cleaners.

What's Causing the Filters to Plug Up and Stop Filtering?

Just look at the pleated filter. You will see that the inner layer is non-porous. It has little holes in it. As the ball goes down from the second filtering stage to the third, the balls may get caught inside the little holes and clog the pleated filter entirely.

For more information, watch this video!
