When they're working well, people tend to ignore their well pumps until they break down and need to call a well service to fix them. However, there are a couple of handy notes people should have to help them fix issues on their own or explain their problems better to their local well pump service company. Which notes do people need?
According to the video, the first note people need regarding their well pump is one indicating the model number, depth, installation date, and other relevant details.
The second thing pump owners should do is keep all the pump documents like the driller report near the pump control box in case their technician needs it. The third thing pump owners should do is draw their wiring diagram and pressure setting and stick them on the pressure switch cap.
The fourth thing pump owners should do is inspect their pressure tank at least once a year.
The fifth thing pump owners should do is be proactive. This means knowing their system inside out and who to call in case of an emergency. The sixth thing pump owners need to do is know where their pump breaker is. The seventh thing pump owners must do is get their water tested annually.