How Does Your Water Come From Wells?

Water is a necessity of life and a valuable commodity. It has many uses and is one of Earth's most valuable natural resources. But how does it get from the ground to your kitchen sink? The following post will briefly discuss how well drillers remove water from the ground, as explained in the video," How do Water Wells Work?" The first thing the drilling company or well drillers do is install a casing or liner around the drill. This casing or liner is made from steel and protects the integrity of the well and its inner workings.

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After the casing is in place, well drillers drill down the well until they reach the aquifer. The well drillers then begin drilling horizontally into the ground until they reach a predetermined depth where the water table is located within the aquifer. Once they find the water table, they begin pumping the water from that area, thus creating a well supplying a private water supply. Drillers use vertical and horizontal well drilling techniques to obtain their needed water supply. After the water is removed from the aquifer, it passes through a filtration system and is then sent to a treatment plant where it is purified before reaching your home.