The Arborist's Guide to Winter Pruning

The video below teaches the basics of pruning trees and shrubs. Tree trimming helps keep plants small and compact, which makes them easier to care for in small spaces like patios and containers. It also helps keep your landscape looking tidy year after year.

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In addition, winter pruning reduces the risk of spreading disease.

For successful tree trimming, inspect your plant for signs of disease or pests. If you notice an infestation, remove infected branches immediately. Remove dead or diseased branches by cutting them off just above where they join healthy woody tissue. Next, determine the pruning tool you need based on the size and shape of your tree's branches. Finally, trim branches growing into a neighboring tree or shrub, so they don't damage it while they're still young.

Before pruning, ensure the tree or shrub is healthy and free of insects or diseases. If it's not in good health, it's best to wait until they get more energy reserves to help it recover from any wounds caused by pruning. The best way to trim your trees is to start by pruning the branches back to a strong branch, ensuring that you leave enough of a stub so the tree can heal properly.
