Becoming a professional plumber is a great way to earn a reliable income without the need for an expensive degree. If you're interested in becoming a plumber, you should consider your options carefully. To become a plumber, you would need to go to a trade school or do an apprenticeship program with a local plumbing company.
Although these routes toward eventual employment as a fully qualified plumber take time, you can start earning money much quicker than you could if you needed a four-year degree.
If you feel like plumbing is the career you want to pursue, watch the video posted here to learn more about it. In the video, a professional plumber lists the pros and cons of choosing plumbing as a profession. The tips provided in the video can help you clarify if the lifestyle you could expect to have as a plumber would actually suit you.
For example, plumbers have to interact with a variety of tradesmen and home or business owners as they do their work. Their work is also frequently dirty and very physically involved. If you like chatting with strangers, working on your own, and solving problems, you may find that you like working as a plumber.