Windows are not always easy to wash. People can remove some stains from certain windows without too much effort, but the windows still might not have the clarity that they did when the glass was first installed. Professionals from a window cleaning company might use special cleaning strategies that get better results almost every time, no matter what the glass looks like or how messy it is.
People frequently just move the cleaning tool across the window horizontally in a straight line.
They'll then clear the tool, add more soap, and repeat the process. While this simple technique can work, it can also leave subtle soap lines on the glass.
When windows look much clearer than that, it's often because the person who was clearing the window never took the cleaning brush off of the window glass. People won't see the tool's imprint for that reason. The cleaners have to start in the upper and lower corners of the windows and work their way into the centers of this glass. They'll need to do so as part of one long hand motion that doesn't really end until the window is clean. It takes energy for a window cleaning company professional to clean surfaces like this.