Using an Electrostatic Paint Gun the Right Way

Did you know that electrostatic painting is an alternative to regular spray painting, and that it can be much more affordable than the typical route? In a video by Ultramax Coatings, Ltd., the advantages of electrostatic painting are discussed. The method of electrostatic painting uses negatively charged paint and a positively charged substrate to make particles attract to each other, which leads to a quicker, more thorough paint job.

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This greatly reduces the cost of paint. What normally happens with traditional methods of spray painting is that in attempt to get paint into a stingy area, the painter ends of overpainting all the areas around it. Electrostatic painting prevents this. In addition to saving on paint, electrostatic painting cuts down on paint time. In the video, the presenter shares the story of a client who paints large steel structures. Switching to an electrostatic paint gun allowed him to be four times as productive over the course of his shift. Finally, electrostatic painting ensures a complete uniform paint job. There are a few dangers that come with electrostatic painting, and the presenter highlights these and provides solutions for problems that may arise.