What can you do when your dishwasher won't start? You can watch this video to learn more about dishwasher repair. This video presents the five most common problems that will cause your dishwasher not to turn on.
The first thing you need to check is the door.
Make sure the door is closed, if it's the next thing you want to check is the latch on the door. A defective door latch can prevent the dishwasher from running. You can use a micrometer to test for continuity. If the latch is okay you can move on to the thermal fuse.
A multimeter can be used to check the fuse. If some of your buttons work, but others are not working, it can be a problem with the button panel. Other things to check are the timer and the control board. The control board can be a bit of a challenge to diagnose. There are additional videos on the control panel topic linked in the video. Watching this video is a great way to learn how to diagnose your dishwasher problems. You can buy the parts online, save yourself some money, and do the repairs yourself. Watch this video now to learn how to diagnose and repair your dishwasher.