Most homeowners can attempt DIY roofing service on roof shingles because they are one of the easier types of roofing to install on a home. Fortunately, this professional guide will help you learn precisely how to install roof shingles like an expert. Knowing how many pieces you need is necessary before installing roof shingles.
You must measure your roof if you don't already have measurements that you may use, such as documentation from earlier roofing work.
Putting any other roof flashing in place before continuing with the roof shingle installation is the second stage. Flashing must be placed in every valley in your roof or any portion where one part of the roof meets another at a different angle. Draw a line in chalk starting at the base of the roof. Start laying your courses as you work up and across your roof.
A shingle should have a nail driven about two inches from either end. You should also insert a nail an inch above each cutout. Continue by nailing one whole shingle against the next as you line them up in a pattern. As soon as you reach the ridge, adjust the shingle so each side is equal, then nail it in place. Repeat this procedure until you reach the ridge's furthest edge. Ensure no roof portion is exposed when you cut the final ridge shingle to the required length.