Whether you're building a brand-new house or looking to fix or replace the roof of your home, it can be challenging to understand the differences between various roofing materials, installation methods, and how much it would cost unless a contractor provides you with a roofing estimate. However, to avoid disappointment in the future, it is crucial to check out the following aspects of the estimate.
An estimate should include the roofing company's name, address, phone number, and email address. You will need this information to contact them if you have any inquiries.
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It should also show insurance and licensing to prove their legitimacy. It should state the work needed in great detail since it is important to specify every component of the roof to be fixed.
The day the roofing contractor will start working on your roof is known as the start date. The projected completion date estimates how quickly the roofing contractor completes the task. It must also include the date you were given the estimate. This date might not seem significant, but a new estimate can be required if your current one is older than six months because the original one might be expired.