What Solutions and Risks Low T Therapy Poses

Testosterone is the hormone that gives males masculine traits, including a deep voice, a muscular frame, and facial hair. Additionally, testosterone promotes the creation of red blood cells, elevates mood, maintains bone strength, and improves cognitive function. Unfortunately, low testosterone, also known as low-t, might result in undesirable symptoms, which may cause the patient to consider low t therapy to help them restore those low levels. Testosterone therapy can help reverse the consequences of hypogonadism.

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According to American College of Physicians guidelines, testosterone therapy improves men's sexual function, but there isn't much proof that it helps in other functions like vitality and energy. Most men see symptom relief after four to six weeks of beginning testosterone replacement medication. However, other changes, including gaining more muscle, may take three to six months. Testosterone therapy may have risks and adverse effects for a healthy aging male, including the stimulation of prostate growth (also known as benign prostatic hypertrophy) and the potential progression of already present prostate cancer. Skin reactivity, reducing sperm production, red blood cell overproduction (which can contribute to a heart attack), and a rise in cardiovascular events have also been linked by certain studies as some of the negative effects of low-t therapy.