Tools an Appliance Repair Business Uses

The TMM Appliance Network presents this YouTube video on the most common tools used by an appliance repair business. During the video, the speaker reveals what he carries in his toolbox. Appliances cover large kitchen equipment such as ovens, refrigerators, freezers, and dishwashers.

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Additionally, repair representatives work on washers and dryers. Thus, a service tech carries standard and unique tools. Among the items used for all appliances are slot & Phillips screwdrivers, a nut driver set, various wrenches, and needle-nose pliers. An appliance repair business also asks their techs to carry a multimeter to measure electric current. According to the video, the goal is to bring as many tools as possible in one trip. Therefore, representatives tend to pack nine to ten tools in their equipment bags. That being said, they can visit their trucks for less utilized but important tools. In the end, techs strive to maintain maximum space to perform their tasks. Not all the tools they use are provided by an appliance repair business. Sometimes, techs purchase personal equipment to advance their troubleshooting skills.