Warning Signs Your Tree Might Be Showing

This video explains why it's critical to contact your local tree services as soon as your tree demonstrates any of the following signs: There is the potential for the trunk of the tree to develop a cavity if it's naturally self-pruning, which means that the branches are falling off. If the wood that surrounds the cavity is insufficient, the tree has the potential to split in two or topple over. The open wound caused by the broken branch will eventually lead to the end of the tree.

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If your tree is dying, you may notice that particular portions of the tree trunk do not have any bark. Even if there are dead branches on a tree, this does not necessarily signify that the entire tree will topple over. However, when the tree begins to lose its dead branches, it's a sign that it has a problem. Diseased or weak roots can be challenging to identify. Checking for mushrooms and other types of fungi near the trunk or the base of the tree is the most reliable technique to identify this issue. Call your local tree services if you notice any of these signs on the trees on your property.