Why Are Mosquito Control Companies So Busy During the Summer?

High temperatures cause a surge of insects, and some places become more conducive to mosquito infestation. Heat alters and extends their life cycles, causing these invasive pests to seek shelter in peoples' dwellings. Because of this, a lot of people engage mosquito control companies throughout the summer. Since all insects are cold-blooded, greater temperatures cause them to grow faster.

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They eventually produce larger populations. The rising temperatures, higher humidity, and increased rainfall in the late summer and early fall cause mosquito populations to flourish.

Mosquitoes frequently lay their eggs long before spring or even before the start of winter. These eggs don't hatch immediately, because the temperature around them determines when their development into larvae will start. As a result, while the first sight of ice typically heralds their exit, a warm spell might cause them to emerge from hiding. Mosquito season starts when temperatures consistently rise over 50 degrees Celsius since mosquito eggs begin to hatch at this point. With the longer summer days comes more time for feeding, increasing mosquito activity. Since mosquitoes like humid heat, temperatures over 78 degrees Fahrenheit bring about the most activity. The majority of mosquito species like to lay their eggs in standing water. Thus, specialists in mosquito control advise homeowners to do their best to decrease standing water on their property. It's a highly effective method of preventing mosquitoes.
