Ask These Questions When Hiring a Concrete Contractor

It can be hard to know what questions to ask before signing on the dotted line if you're looking for a new home. The same goes for choosing a concrete contractor. If you don't have any experience with them, you may not know what to look for in a good one.

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Here are important questions to ask when interviewing potential contractors

What kind of training did they receive?

When you hire a concrete contractor, you expect them to have basic trade knowledge. They must understand how to work safely, fix problems, and install products properly. It's also important to find out whether they have formal training or certifications.

How long has the company been around?

Many people think that if a business is old, it must be better than newer ones. That couldn't be further from the truth. Older businesses often offer better service and quality. So, if you're considering hiring a contractor, check out the company's history.

Do they have insurance?

It's always best to hire someone who carries liability insurance. This means that if something happens while they're working at your property, they'll cover the cost of repairs. It also protects you from having to pay for damages yourself.

By asking these questions, you'll know whether or not this particular company is trustworthy.
