How to Save with a Driveway Seal Coating DIY

According to HomeGuide, the average cost to seal coat a driveway is $160. Labor accounts for 50% to 70% of this cost. Therefore, homeowners can shave half the total cost off the project if they do the job themselves, as shown in this video. Asphalt driveways should be resealed every three to five years in non-humid and warm weather conditions. However, those with new asphalt driveways should wait six months to a year before applying any sort of treatment.

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Seal coating protects driveways from natural elements such as freeze and thaw, which can cause cracks and other types of damage. It also protects from spills from vehicles which can degrade the asphalt. Homeowners can use a weed whip, handheld blower, mixing paddle, power washer, crack filler, squeegee, brush, and a sealer to seal coat their driveway. Before applying the sealer, homeowners should ensure that they have thoroughly cleaned and prepped the driveway. Use soap and the power washer to clean and wash away all of the dirt. Afterward, fill all cracks with a crack filler, then stir the sealer with a mixing paddle. Finally, pour the sealer and spread it with the squeegee while using a brush for the edges.