When To Hire a Disability Attorney For Your Case

Going into depth about the various advantages of employing a lawyer is worthwhile. It's crucial to think carefully about when to involve a disability attorney in the process. For a free consultation, contact a disability lawyer if you're even thinking about applying for disability.

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Your lawyer can support you with your initial application and assist you in assessing the strength of your case. While some choose to proceed through this stage unaided, you're more likely to be accepted if you have legal counsel. Another thing to think about is that since there are typically not many back Social Security payments payable, a client granted at the initial application level usually owes a minimal attorney's fee. If engaging a lawyer to assist with your original application is wise, doing so after you have been initially denied should also be a no-brainer. A disability lawyer can sometimes expedite the process of your case and increase your chances of success. This is particularly true if your medical condition is terminal or your financial situation is highly precarious. For example, you are homeless or you're facing foreclosure for your house. Additionally, you may be granted benefits without attending a hearing if your lawyer asks the judge to rule "on-the-record," or OTR.