How Medicare Insurance Agents Get Their Start

Watch this video to learn more about how you can become a Medicare insurance agent and its benefits. This information can help you to make better decisions if you want to venture into the field. To begin, it's important to understand Medicare insurance agents do. A medical insurance agent reviews a client's health care plan to help them evaluate their needs against the coverage and the services they are worthy of receiving.

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You get to recommend insurance covers to clients to help them understand their options for dental, vision, and drug prescription policies. The process of becoming an agent involves many steps. You first need to get a health insurance license to be able to sell Medicare. You will receive the required training sessions to equip you with the required knowledge of health insurance. Also, you must complete and pass the AHIP Medicare training program. You must have an error and omission insurance to protect the clients in case you mislead them by accident. Additionally, you must get an appointment with the Medicare wholesalers. You will be approved to sell prescription drugs plan, medical supplements plans, final expense insurance, and Medicare advantages. Lastly, you must enroll in a continuing education plan to stay current on licensing policies.