What Exactly Does an Entertainment Law Firm Handle?

Influencers and other creatives need an entertainment lawyer, and what the entertainment law firm can do for influencers is surprising. What an influencer needs from a lawyer is to represent their needs around intellectual property, music, film, and television. Entertainment lawyers who handle motion pictures also handle TV and the other way around.

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Influencers straddle the ground between all three of these efforts. An influencer signs a lot of contracts and endorsement deals and makes Instagram posts and pop-up appearances. Influencers can also do book deals, tours, and especially merchandise, or “merch.”

An entertainment law firm specializes in helping entertainers with copyright issues. When an entertainment lawyer graduates law school, it's crucial to take the New York and California Bar Exams because the courts in New York and California are the twin epicenters of entertainment law in the United States, and a lawyer who can't represent in those courts is seriously disadvantaged in the field.

When you're thinking about becoming a lawyer for influencers, you will need to have a broad base in entertainment law. Dealing with entertainers and their activities has become even more important in the internet age, and going to law school is its first step.
